The camera I pick up, I point the lens down.
To an average bloke, In an average town.
I see patterns, and, I see lines,
but I don't see
a general design....
Rapping while shooting.
What was I trying to do?
I shot this average bloke from atop the University Arts Tower, Sheffield's tallest building.
The building is being refurbished since it is beginning to fail in more ways than one.
I casually wandered in and up to a top floor devoid of people, furniture, even security - this time w/ the camera. My mission simply to snap 360 degs. of Sheffield from this high vantage point.
I learned that Sheffield's overall design is, well, isn't. A myriad of shapes, blocks, acute lines, a headache but for the fact the city is so blessed with trees.
After a round of cityscapes I took the zoom to it's full 200mm honing in on features below - streets, traffic, people. It's an unusual vantage point. Not the greatest angel or distance for people watching.
A little bit of activity below, the street corner on which the Star & Garter pub sits. The bloke, the geezer, in the image came out for a smoke, inspect, be vigilante. I like the effect of being coughed out of the pub onto the corner, standing on his tod. Plus Also I like the topography, the small world of the corner boundered by lines and the patchwork of modern urban locale.
The bloke finished his smoke, looked around a bit more, went back into the Garter.